I know I've been absent since two and a half weeks ago. I apologize, but I surely got a reasonable excuse. Well, the 2 previous week has been the longest midterm ever. Previously, the midterm were always been well organized. But I don't know what the heck is going on with this lame University that they didn't prepare midterm schedule. So everything was a mess.
On November 5, I had my first anniversary with my lovely boyfriend! YAY! I bought him a BAPE hoodie as he has been craving for since 2 months ago and he bought me anything I want, I mean an all-day-treat at Senayan City. What could I ask for more? (:

Anyway, I'm really tired of someone that keep copying me. I'm not lying, she's officially turned to look just like me. It's like she has everything that I had. She buy everything that I bought. Sick!
lortsa ♥,